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From lack of direction, to goal focusing;

From misdirection to moving forward;

From one step forward, two steps back, to moving forward with momentum, skill, and determination.

The GNZ is dedicated to providing and instilling these qualities and traits.


The GNZ exists to change the landscape of American Inner- cities, Individual Hearts, and Areas of Social, Cultural, and Political Conflict.

The GNZ exist to bring disparate political views, and conflicting police and citizen interaction, under one unification umbrella of comprehension and compassion.  

The GNZ: Together We Stand Focused

The GNZ: Together We Stand Focused

No Room For Loners!

TheGNZ: SkillTimingTraining=Homerun

TheGNZ: SkillTimingTraining=Homerun

Talent, Application, Practice: Keys to any Success.

TheGNZ: WillStrengthStamina=Success

TheGNZ: WillStrengthStamina=Success

Mental Focus Coupled with Power and Endurance: Victory Assured.

The GNZ: Able to Go the Distance

The GNZ: Able to Go the Distance

Teaching the Skills that will take you as far as you whish to go.

The GNZ: Form Focus Aim

The GNZ: Form Focus Aim

Shaping Your Mind, Concentrating Your Thoughts: Providing Direction.

The GNZ: Power, Speed, Determination

The GNZ: Power, Speed, Determination

Developing Your Strength and Agility will Provide the Confidence to Succeed.

The GNZ: Rise to New Heights

The GNZ: Rise to New Heights

Coupling Skills with Education and Repetitive Exercise will Cause You to Reach Higher Levels of Success: You get out of it what you put into it!

The GNZ: Spiked with Focus and Power

The GNZ: Spiked with Focus and Power

Deliberate Forward Motion, Coupled with Concentration and Power: The Tools for Building Success.

TheGNZ: HuddledTogetherForGreatness

TheGNZ: HuddledTogetherForGreatness

Teammates: Working Together, Combining Intelligence and Strength, Bring Far Greater Power and Results than Working Alone.

The GNZ: Balance Coupled with Focus

The GNZ: Balance Coupled with Focus

The Proper Mixture of Thought, Power, and Emotion, will provide the Stability for Long-lasting and Constant Success.

The GNZ: Make the Right Pitch

The GNZ: Make the Right Pitch

Knowing When, Where, and How to Present Oneself is Key to Obtaining the "Breaks in Life" that seem to just come to others.



The GNZ: Soar to New Heights

Recreational & Sports Facility

  The vision God provided for this endeavor included an extensive recreational aspect, with the real and obtainable prospect of physical discipline and training towards various sports professions.

   This will require facilities and fields, as well as obtaining the direct involvement from current and retired Processional Athletes.

   Field sports will include football, soccer, baseball, and handball. Court sports will include basketball, tennis, and volleyball.

   The physical layout will evolve as need and talent become evident and finances allow.

   We would like to see swimming and gymnastics included. The recreational aspect of this organization, however,  will not be geared toward entering or seeking employment via professional sports

   We believe that quality recreational facilities will generate genuine desire to use them, share them, and find pleasure in them...

   Respect, awe, and acceptance, of sports are universal; crossing racial, social, cultural, and prejudicial boundaries.

   We also know, however, that recreation, alone, will not affect character change or skills.

   If there is no educational aspect and foundation involved, a recreation yard is nothing more than a place to pass time... though that, in and of itself, is not a bad thing –– if one is spending their time utilizing the facilities, they are not likely spending that time in socially detrimental behavior...

   No, we at the GNZ, believe that there needs be an avenue of skills training that will provide the hope – and the very real and seeable possibility – of a transition from the mean streets to the successful acquisition of social acceptance, contribution, and longevity.

   We know that highly successful Athletes are one of the rare things that rival gangbangers, race-haters, poverty stricken citizens, the handicapped, the young, the elderly, the poor, the rich – Mothers, Fathers, GrandMothers, GrandFathers, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters – everyone admires and wants to meet and hear the stories of Professional Athletes and how they became accomplished...

   Professional Athletes will draw the community in, and vocational training that is targeted and specific to industries of the area, will provide an alternative means of living, as opposed to living meanly...

   This is the vision and the mandate the founder was given by God, and this is the reason he formed The GNZ...

     We also plan to provide GED (General Education Development) certification courses and stellar Vocational Training and certification(s) specific to the local employment opportunities.

   Join him, join us, and together we will take back our inner cities –– 1 by 1 by 1.

  1 Life, 1 Family, 1 City, at a time.


   And OUR slogan will be:

  "One X One X One!!!"

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