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     God sent me out of prison to form this nonprofit organization and to be the instrument He uses to address the division, the hatred, the callous indifference, and the ungodliness of the views and circumstances of our inner cities...

     It is my routine to be still and listen for God, after giving thanks and making my petitions known through prayer...

     I do this because it often happens that the Holy Spirit will bring certain scriptures to mind that I will need that day for the work of God in the lives of others, or for myself...

     On the day I found out I had made parole, this was my position: on my knees, in silence, and listening for direction from God. This is what He said:

     I want you to go to inner city Houston and then Chicago. I want you to start a recreation and vocational center called The Neutral Zone and I want you to have the best graffiti artists from rival gangs to paint the signs that read, The Neutral Zone: Leave Your Weapons, Your Colors, and Your Hatred, At The Door.

     Just be patient and wait upon Me. I will give you everything you need: the building, the land, the professional athletes, the vocational teachers... Everything: Just be obedient and wait upon me.

     I sort of half laughed and said,

     Well, Lord, you know my answer will always be Isaiah’s when You ask, Whom shall we send, who will go forth for us, it shall ever be, Here Am I, Lord, send me, but there is one small problem here: You have to get me out of prison first.

     Immediately, He responded with, That’s done!

     I did not even finish my prayers or say Amen. I jumped up, began pacing the floor, and when they rolled the doors for the 8am out-for-work-and-day-room, I called Mama and told her to call the parole secretaries because God had just told me that it was done.

     I told her I would call her when I came in from the Chapel at 5pm or so...

When I called, she was filled with excitement as she yelled into the receiver, Are you ready for some FANTASTIC NEWS?!!!

     My response was to ask, What sort of parole did I get, Mama?

She replied, YOU GOT A F1!!!

     There are many types of parole release programs in the State of Texas, in which inmates must complete counseling programs of varied lengths and intensities prior to release, but an FI-1 is release as soon as the paperwork and arrangements can be completed...

     I found out I had been granted parole release in the evening of the day that, in the morning, God gave me the vision for this nonprofit organization... The day He gave me the reason He was releasing me from prison...


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