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From Hellbound to Heaven Sent;

From Prison to Mission;

From a Heart of Stone  to One of Flesh...

Click the button below to read the Founder’s Full Story and



Entered Prison at 18


Exited Prison at 54

Convicted of Murder in 1979

Granted a Life

Sentence to avoid Lethal Injection

Released from Prison in 2014


Delivered from himself, and the circumstance he so richly deserved, God has sent the founder into the world to bring deliverance to a forgotten and cast aside people; our inner-city citizens.

The GNZ is dedicated to bringing hope, deliverance, and meaningful existence to those the world has given up on.

November 19, 2014:

Day of Release from the Walls Unit in Huntsville Texas

Huntsville State Prison

Huntsville State Prison

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First Actions When Freed from the Cage:

1) Welcomed to the Free-world by Prison Minsters that I had worshiped with for years, a retired Prison Chaplain; a Faith-base Staff Member, retired Marine, and friend; and an ex-cell partner and close friend, and a friend of Mama's, and Mama herself.

2) Gave Thanks and Praise to God, and prayed for those still confined; many without support or anyone to pray for them...

First Acts Outside of the Cage

First Acts Outside of the Cage

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Discussion with a long time Prison Minister and Friend, concerning the GPS Tracking Monitor the founder wore for a year.

GPS Tracking (A Condition of Parole)

GPS Tracking (A Condition of Parole)

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     The Founder was blessed beyond measure by the Prison Ministers, who faithfully brought the Love and Direction of God into the Darkness of the Land of Cage-Dwellers...

     Volunteers, all, they each prayed for him, continually, for years and years. They watched, helped in, and rejoiced with him as the Lord moved mightily upon his heart and mind...

     Romans 12:2 says: And be not conformed to the things of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind...

     It is God that transforms the mind, and no one else, and in the founder's case, He had to heal the brain, calm the rage, and cast out the fear...

     A little over a year from a major car wreck that broke his skull into 4 large pieces and shoved them downward upon the brain (subjecting him to paralysis of the right side, seizures, blackouts, and major personality shifts)the founder committed the capital crime of murder during the course of a robbery.

   He pled guilty (to avoid the death sentence), to the lesser-included count in the indictment of murder. In exchange for his plea of guilt, he was granted a life sentence (though he did not see that as the gift it was, at the time).

   Before his release to the Super Intensive Supervision Program (SISP) parole on November 19, 2014, he served 35 years, 10 months, and 7 days, of continuous incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice System: Institutional Division.

   John lived in the various cages of prison, and rightly so, for 3½ decades. The first 15-20 years, John struggled with controlling his rage, with developing his mind through educational programs, and with exhibiting the violence necessary to proving to the hardened, repeat, offenders – the habitual criminals – that this young man was better left alone...

   For the last half of his 36 year span of incarceration, however, John studied the Holy Bible, in depth, and drew ever nearer to God.

  God spoke the mission and the vision for this nonprofit organization during his morning prayers on the day that John found out he had been granted parole. In point of fact, God told John that morning, after giving him the mission, that the decision to release him had already been done...

   Please click the various links to read the pertinent parts, or simply read the Founder's Full Story & Vision web page, if you want to know the founder completely. (Click the PDF icon at the top of that page to print the story for reading at leisure.)

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